Class ProductVariantUpdate


This Class represents a dataobject for updating a ProductVariant.

Either Id or ItemNumber is required, remaining fields will be updated if they are set in the object. To update ItemNumber, set both Id and Itemnumber.

Variable Summary
double $BuyingPrice

The internal purchase price of the ProductVariant

int $DeliveryTimeId

the id of the DeliveryTime, (0 to display amount of product in stock. -1 for no information at all)

string $Description

The description of the Variant in the language indicated by the LanguageISO

string $DescriptionLong

The long description of the Variant in the language indicated by the LanguageISO

boolean $DisableOnEmpty

Indicates whether or not the ProductVariant should be hidden in the shop when it is not in stock

double $Discount

The discount on the ProductVariant

string $DiscountType

The type of discount given in Discount, either 'p' for percent or 'a' for a amount

string $Ean

The Ean number of the Product

int $Id

The id of the ProductVariant

string $ItemNumber

The item number of the ProductVariant

string $ItemNumberSupplier

The supplier item number of the Product

int $MinAmount

The minimum amount which can be ordered this product

int $PictureId

The id of the Picture of the ProductVariant. NOTE: This field is no longer in use. See PictureIds.

int[] $PictureIds

The ids of the Pictures of the ProductVariant

double $Price

The price of this ProductVariant

int $ProductId

The id of the Product of the ProductVariant

int $Sorting

The position of the ProductVariant amongst its siblings

boolean $Status

Indicates wether or not this ProductVariant is visible in the shop

int $Stock

Indicates the amount of this variant in stock

int $StockLow

Indicates the amount of the low stock warning for this variant

int $UnitId

The id of the ProductUnit of the Product

int[] $VariantTypeValues

The IDs of the VariantTypeValues associated with the Variant

double $Weight

The weight of the ProductVariant

Documentation generated on Thu, 26 Jul 2018 13:22:50 +0000 by phpDocumentor 1.4.4